New Initiative on AI and Art
The Initiative “KI ?/& KUNST“ Introduces Itself: A Report of the Discussion at the House of Digitalization

The new initiative “KI ?/& KUNST“ promotes dialogue on the diverse interactions between (artificial) intelligence and (human) creativity. This week, representatives of the initiative introduced it to the general public and organised an opening discussion event at the House of Digitalization in Tulln. The objective was to examine different perspectives, creatively address current opportunities and problems together, and thus anticipate potential future developments.
“While the number of consulting and training possibilities for many different application areas of (generative) artificial intelligence is growing on a large scale, the discourse about them tends to remain superficial and strongly polarising”, says
Sibylle Moser, Head of the E³UDRES² Center for Culture und Creativity at the St. Pölten UAS.
Numerous Possibilities and Warning Voices
In the realm of art in particular, the huge success of AI systems raises questions pertaining to the role of creativity, individuality, and unpredictability in human communication. While some people emphasise the many new possibilities for artistic/creative processes afforded by artificial intelligence, others warn that superficial entertainment might completely replace critically reflecting art and that future-oriented avantgarde might disappear in the face of the growing popular mainstream.
“In many ways, art is and has always been understood as a seismograph for relevant developments and upcoming (radical) changes in society and environment. In this context, an effort has always been made to push the boundaries of human perception, imagination, and creative possibilities using the new tools and media of the respective times. In our digital age, however, the fast pace of the developments and the large dimension of potential changes are new”, says media artist and composer Hannes Raffaseder, CEO of the St. Pölten UAS.
Keynotes: AI, “Crazy” People, and Dialogue
On 12 November 2024, the initiative “KI ?/& KUNST“ presented itself to the public with an opening event. The programme included a keynote speech by St. Pölten UAS CEO Hannes Raffaseder on the topic “Ver?Messen, Ver?Schwinden, Ver?Zweifeln. Warum künstliche Intelligenz ver-rückte Menschen braucht“ as well as an introduction to the topic “(Anti-) Thesen zu KI ?/& Kunst: Ausgangspunkte und aktueller Stand des Dialogs“ by Sibylle Moser.
Panel Discussion and Artistic Intervention
The event was concluded with a panel discussion featuring Stephanie Meisl, media artist and Deputy Chairperson of the Creative Industries Council of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy, Veronika Liebl, Festival Director of the Ars Electronica, Manuela Waldner, Associate Professor at TU Wien, Christian Huemer, Head of the Belvedere Research Center, and Seppo Gründler, Member of the Board of the IMA Institute of Media Archaeology.
Artistic interventions were the highlight of the evening: Dancer Andrea Nagl and UAS researcher and media artist Markus Wintersberger presented a performance in three parts on the topic “smART Data Bridge & gehe rückwärts durch die Wand”.
The event at the House of Digitalization was promoted by the division for art and culture of the Province of Lower Austria and organised in cooperation with the Center for Culture and Creativity at the St. Pölten UAS, the Digital Innovation Hub Ost, and the Digital Makers Hub.
Initiative “KI ?/& KUNST“
The initiative “KI ?/& KUNST” invites interested persons to engage in dialogue on the manifold interactions between (artificial) intelligence and (human) creativity in order to examine different perspectives, creatively respond to current opportunities and problems together, and thus anticipate potential future developments.
More information on the initiative “KI ?/& KUNST”

Mag. Mark Hammer
Section Head PressMarketing and Communications