Project Semester Ends with Digital Work Exhibition

Taking in Online: Media Technology Projects of Project Semester Presented in Virtual Marketplace

The students of the project semester of the bachelor degree programme Media Technology usually conclude their work-filled creative phase with a comprehensive presentation of their results on location at the St. Pölten UAS.

This semester, the coronavirus ruled out the possibility of an on-site event, which is why the marketplace was shifted to the web on 17 June 2020.

Students Host Interactive Digital Marketplace

The teams used this digital platform to present their projects in a variety of creative ways. In addition, the visitors had many options for asking questions and entering into intensive exchange with the students.

“It was a very impressive and creatively designed work exhibition”, says Christian Freisleben-Teutscher who is responsible for innovative teaching and learning at the St. Pölten UAS and has been very satisfied with the results of the presentation. “The students rose above themselves and have acquired competencies on many levels. At the same time, the online setting was an exciting example of how such presentations can be held in digital form as well.”

Embracing Diversity

A total of eight teams consisting of Media Technology students and incoming students completing the European Project Semester (EPS) devoted themselves exclusively to their projects this summer semester. During this period, they passed through the entire project cycle, from the first brainstorming to the development of a prototype.

High quality through diversity: the virtually presented projects covered a broad spectrum of topics, and the students demonstrated with impressive technical accuracy and creativity how they put their acquired theoretical knowledge and skills into practice.

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Overview of the Projects

The event website created for the final presentations gives an overview of the individual projects and their content. At the same time, the site served as the starting point for visitors and interested persons to access the individual presentation and interaction platforms of the project teams.

  • #1 Digitalisation of the Dialogue with Nursing Relatives
  • #2 How I Get My Apple
  • #3 “Jennifer” – Music Video & Installation
  • #4 Fundamental Scope VR
  • #5 A Miller's Life
  • #6 c-tv Conference
  • #7 ARPG: Augmented Reality Role-Playing Game
  • #8 Tangible User Interface: AnimaLe

The project works come from fields including digital game development, virtual reality, data visualisation and app development, and will be separately presented on the project site of the study programme soon.

Project Semester: Further Developing Competencies

The project semester has become an integral part at the end of the bachelor degree programme Media Technology. In small groups, the students develop independent projects in their selected focus areas.

In principle, the students work independently and autonomously during the project semester. However, accompanying coaching sessions offered depending on the students‘ needs and the requirements of the projects make sure that the teams are professionally supervised and receive assistance for open questions in this phase of their studies as well.

“The project semester leads to extremely exciting results that help the students to further develop their competencies at a technical and interdisciplinary level”, explains Alois Frotschnig, Academic Director of the bachelor degree programme Media Technology.