Sustainable Development Awards – the Winners

St. Pölten UAS Hosts First Sustainable Development Awards and Jury Selects Winners in Five Categories

Concepts, projects and research works on the topic of sustainable development by active students of the St. Pölten UAS were honoured with the Sustainable Development Awards for the first time.

Award Ceremony

The official award ceremony took place online within the framework of the first Sustainability Day of the St. Pölten UAS on 4 June 2020.

The high number of submissions clearly shows how important, diverse and far-reaching sustainability projects at the St. Pölten UAS are. To show its gratitude, the UAS awarded certificates of recognition to all candidates. Three of the submissions, however, received a special form of acknowledgement: a presentation within the framework of a Sustainable Development Lounge.

The winners received a prize of 1,000 EUR each for their contribution to sustainable development. This prize money was made possible with the support of the Society for the Promotion of the St. Pölten UAS, which contributed 500 EUR to every prize, as well as the Lower Austrian Chamber of Labour (AK NÖ), NÖGKK, NÖVOG, Sparkasse NÖ West, and kwak Telecom Ltd. – all of them members of the Society – which contributed another 500 EUR in the individual categories.

The Jury…

  • Josef Bruckschlögl (Chairman of the Society for the Promotion of the St. Pölten UAS and CEO of kwak Telecom Ltd.)
  • Christine Haselbacher (member of the UAS Board, Head of the Department of Social Work)
  • Lukas Kroisenbrunner (student representative)
  • Petra Moltan-Hill (from partner institution Nottingham Trent University; head NTU Green Academy, professor of Sustainable Management and Education for Sustainable Development)
  • Thomas Preslmayr (member of the Sustainability Committee; Section Head Project Management and Quality Enhancement, Department of Rail Technology and Mobility)

… selected the following submission and winners in the five categories:

SDGs and/or Sustainability

The prize in this category was sponsored by the Society for the Promotion of the St. Pölten UAS and NÖ AK. It was awarded to:

Project plan “Redesign Schallabsorber” – a sustainable acoustic absorber made from textile waste

Lukas Zeiler studies Digital Media Production at the St. Pölten UAS. The project was related to SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production.

Sustainability and Economics

The prize in this category, sponsored by the Society for the Promotion of the St. Pölten UAS and Sparkasse NÖ West, went to:

Bachelor thesis “Der ‘ideale´ Sozialmarkt – Perspektiven und Alternativen” (the ideal social market – perspectives and alternatives)

Mirjam Thonhauser, Cristina Gheorge, Julia Kopf, Mirjam Thonhauser, Tamás Walcz and Kristina Zulus convinced the jury with their thesis in the bachelor degree programme Social Work.

Sustainability and Social Affairs

This prize was sponsored by the Society for the Promotion of the St. Pölten UAS and NÖGKK. The winner is:

“Angehörigendialog 2.0 – Digitalisierung des Angehörigendialogs“ (nursing relatives dialogue 2.0 – digitalisation of the nursing relatives dialogue)

This project was submitted by Annika Schweighofer on behalf of the project team of the study programme Media Technology consisting of Felix de Montis, Barbara Ehrenhöfer, Johannes Gerstbauer and Jan Kollars.

Sustainability and Mobility in Rural Areas

The prize for this category was funded by the Society for the Promotion of the St. Pölten UAS and NÖVOG. The winner is:

Bachelor thesis on “Verkehrskonzepte für den ländlichen Raum” (transport concepts for rural areas)

Thomas Stütz wrote his bachelor thesis in the degree programme Rail Technology and Mobility on this topic which earned him an award.

Digitalisation and Sustainability

This prize was sponsored by the Society for the Promotion of the St. Pölten UAS and kwak and was awarded to:

“AI vs Food Waste – Ressourcenverschwendung datenbasiert stoppen“ (using data to stop the waste of resources)

Just like previously in the Project Preview in January, Armin Kirchknopf, student of the master degree programme Interactive Technologies, once more convinced the jury and won the award in the category “Digitalisation and Sustainability” for his team.

Kindly supported by the Society for the Promotion of the St. Pölten UAS and individual member thereof:

AK Niederösterreich

Niederösterreich Bahnen

Sparkasse Niederösterreich Mitte West_Logo

Logo kwak


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