Visible Signs against Violence against Girls and Women

Orange the World – 16 Days of Fighting Violence Against Girls and Women

Once more, we participate in the worldwide campaign “Orange the World”, thereby dedicating 16 days to fighting violence against girls and women. During these days, we light our campus in bright orange – a visible sign for treating one another in a nonviolent and respectful way.

Standing together against Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

Sexual harassment and discrimination are not tolerated at the St. Pölten UAS. Our obligation to ensure a safe environment has its legal foundation in Part 3 of our Statues.

Preventing Violence: Sharing Knowledge and Providing Support

In the summer of 2024, a workshop with an expert of the Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft (ombud for equal treatment) was held, providing comprehensive information on the legal framework conditions of (sexual) harassment. The following resources are offered:

Further information and support can be found at: Fighting Violence against Women.

Point of Contact: Gender & Diversity Think Tank

The Gender & Diversity Think Tank is a point of contact open to all employees and students for questions and conflicts surrounding sexual discrimination and violence. It is our mission to consult, support and find solutions together.

Together, we take a stance to advocate for respect, safety, and equality!

More information and contact details: Gender & Diversity Think Tank

Invitation to Open Meeting of the Gender & Diversity Think Tank

We are happy to invite everybody interested to our first open meeting of the Gender & Diversity Think Tank – a possibility to get together, engage in exchange, and join interesting discussions.

  • Date: 9 December 2024
  • Time: 10:00–11:30
  • Place:  Seminar room B.1.09, Campus St. Pölten