Cyber Security and Resilience
Master programme
More courses from the department
Computer Science & SecurityCreate Secure Cyber Infrastructures
Security is paramount. Do you agree? Then you have come to the right place. In this master degree programme, you learn to develop and operate resilient information systems which are essential foundations for the functioning of our digital society. Taught in English, this programme is the best possible preparation for a successful career in both national and international companies.
Information, Links and Downloads
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Cyber Security and Resilience

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Will classes be held in English?
Yes, classes will be held in English.
The comprehensive educational content combined with language competences prepare you the best possible way for a career in the international field of cyber security and resilience.
What is reverse engineering?
Reverse engineering refers to the analysis of applications to gain an in-depth understanding of the way how they function. Often, the source code of the application is not available. Reverse engineering is mostly used in cyber security to analyse malware or detect a programme’s weaknesses.
Can I use the labs 24/7?
High-quality technical equipment and five modern Net Labs offer you everything you need to make the most of your talents and interests.
Students who study with us have 24/7 access to our labs and studios.
What bachelor do I need to apply for the master degree programme?
To apply for the master degree programme Cyber Security and Resilience, you need a completed bachelor degree programme with a minimum of 60 ECTS credits covering the field of computer science.
More information on the admission procedure and the admission requirements.
What is the benefit of completing this master degree programme?
Experts from the field of cyber security are in high demand. The master degree programme Cyber Security and Resilience allows graduates of computer science bachelor degrees to position themselves as experts in the field of cyber security.
This allows you to specialise in this highly sought-after field and gain a comprehensive foundation for a career in cyber security.