Data Intelligence
Master programme
More courses from the department
Computer Science & SecurityShaping Innovations with Data
Become an expert in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Management. In the Master’s program, you will deepen your knowledge in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. Leverage your expertise to advance intelligent data usage and significantly shape digital transformation.
Copyright: Martin Lifka Photography
Information, Links and Downloads
Social Artificial Intelligence Night (SAINT)
Social Artificial Intelligence Night (SAINT) at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten under the motto "AI (R)Evolution"

Focus on AI and IT Security
A Report on the IT Security Community Exchange (IT-SECX) at the St. Pölten UAS

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St. Pölten UAS on ORF
Alexander Adrowitzer in an interview on Niederösterreich heute
What does “Digital Transformation” mean?
The digital transformation is the turbo for companies. It is more than just an IT upgrade – we are talking of a revolution in the business world where technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and big data are used in a targeted manner. With the help of the digital transformation, organisations are modernised so that their processes become more efficient, and their products and services are further improved.
But this is not only about technology: Trained specialists/experts serve as interfaces and make sure that all divisions are kept on course.
Which bachelor do I need in order to be eligible for this master?
If this is the kind of expertise you are looking for, come study in our master degree programme Data Intelligence!
If you have already acquired 60 ECTS credits in the field of informatics, take a look at our application guide to become an expert for the future.
Why do companies need AI experts?
The digital transformation is in full swing, and AI is the star of the show. More and more companies rely on smart, AI-driven tools and expand their digital infrastructure in order to optimise their business models or rebuild them entirely.
But this is not as easily achieved as it may sound: It takes professionally trained experts to accompany these processes. Only they have the necessary know-how to advance innovation and implement it in a meaningful way. In other words, experts like YOU are in great demand!
Are there any possibilities for specialisation?
The programme is already very strongly specialised in the field of Data Science using AI.
It is made up of five main subject areas:
- Advanced Machine Learning
- AI Architecture
- AI & Society
- Digital Business Transformation
- Scientific Working
In addition, you have the option to personalise your curriculum by choosing electives (in the 2nd and 3rd semesters).
In this way, you become a data expert and are ideally prepared for all challenges that await you in the professional world!
What career paths are open to me after I graduate?
More and more lines of industry are forced to take data-based decisions. As a graduate of this study programme, you have the necessary skills for using AI to implement processes tailored to individual companies, thus achieving a considerable competitive advantage for your business.