Course Content

Bachelor programme Data Science and Business Analytics

Dealing with data is more relevant and complex than ever. The demand for specialised personnel is increasing. In this degree programme, you will learn statistical and technical skills as well as content from the areas of business, law and ethics. You can deepen your expertise in the areas of marketing, health, media, security or production.

The study programme consists of three key areas:

Data Literacy (1st and 2nd semester)

Data literacy imparts the skills to deal with data in a well thought-out way, to collect, evaluate, analyse and visualise data. Important topics include the basics of coding, statistics and data governance.

Specialisation Study (3rd semester): Data Science or Business Analytics 

You can choose a specialisation in the 3rd semester:

  • Data science teaches you the skills of advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence. Important topics that are also covered are big data technologies and data warehouse systems.
  • Business analytics deals with economic fundamentals, as well as digital business or business intelligence.

Specialisation Study (4th semester)

Since data specialists always carry out their analyses in a specific context, the study enables specialisation in a selectable field of application (e.g. marketing, health, media, security, production).* Important fundamentals of the specialist area are taught and a basic understanding of frequent problems is established.

* Specialist areas are introduced in the third semester and can be chosen freely. They are offered to students as needed and require a minimum of five participants.

Vocational Internship (4th and 6th semester)

The internships are to be completed in the 4th (extent: 200 hours) and 6th semester (extent: 400 hours). You contact favoured companies independently. To this end, the extensive partner network of the study programme is available to you.

Semester Abroad or European Project Semester (5th semester)

An essential part of the study programme is the international and interdisciplinary project semester. The English-language semester should ensure that independent of stays abroad, experiences in dealing with international teams are had by all students. In order to solve an interdisciplinary problem within the project, the goal is to form groups (with a group size of three to six students) with an international and interdisciplinary composition. The international-project semester can also be completed abroad at a partner university.

Practical Training

The study programme Data Science and Business Analytics maintains intensive cooperation with important partners from the economy and science. This ensures that the study content covers the requirements of the practical experience and takes into account future developments.

The inclusion of external lecturers also enables you to build up practice-relevant knowledge. Additionally, practical transfer and application competencies are promoted by two vocational internships and an international-project semester in which a task formulation from the economy is treated in international teams.

Examples of the use of data science

Big Data

Data Science

Artificial Intelligence

Internet of Things

Why Data Science?

A Human View

Despite the many fully automatic enquiry possibilities through artificial intelligence or deep learning, the most important task is often left to humans. Although an AI can detect patterns, they are not necessarily able to detect cause and effect. If one wants to know why the detected patterns occur, it is the task of the data scientist to comprehensibly explain causal relationships.