Course contents

Master programme Digital Management & Sustainability

The curriculum addresses the following subject areas:

  • Stratregy & organisation
  • Law & compliance
  • Innovation management & digital transformation
  • Value creation and circular economy
  • Corporate communications & reporting
  • Life cycle assessment
  • Ethics & CSR

MMS FootprintKey focus: sustainability that places responsible action at the centre and integrates economic, ecological, and social perspectives

In this part-time master degree programme, special importance is attached to the acquisition of specialist competencies in the fields of management & strategy, digitalisation & innovation, and sustainability.

In addition, the students enjoy a sound economic and practice-oriented education including digital skills. These provide an important basis for a management career in companies, in (non-profit) institutions, or in the public sector and support management activities with regard to greening, sustainability, and digitalisation.

Opportunities for specialisation

Students choose two out of three specializations, but if interested, they may also take all three.

Business Process & Strategy

CSR & ESG Management

Digital Project & Innovation Management

Flexible study organisation

The study programme is tailored specifically to the needs of working students:

  • All-day teaching on Fridays and Saturdays
  • Combination of remote and on-site classes
  • Use of digital tools in teaching

Gaining international experience

Students have numerous possibilities for international networking throughout their studies: