Creative Code Lab 1 (WS21): Games and Playful Front Ends

#Creative Computing (BA) #/Media & Digital Technologies #Student projects

Our first Creative Code Lab of the bachelor degree programme Creative Computing on the topic of "Games and Playful Front Ends" produced numerous fun, creative projects. Find an overview of the results here.

11 January 2021 marked the launch of the first Creative Code Lab of the bachelor study programme Creative Computing, where students had the opportunity to put their knowledge acquired during the first semester into practice. They created concepts for their own little browser games, designed the level environments and game characters, and brought the games to life by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

The two-week lab yielded a lot of creative and entertaining projects: below you can see some examples and try them yourself.

Lipp the Fox

by Barbara List

Lipp the Fox_HP.jpg

Lipp the Fox is trying to break into Farmer McRobinson’s chicken coop! You as the player control a little red fox called Lipp. Use the arrow keys to move left and right, jump from platform to platform with the space bar, and collect different objects, such as chicken eggs, feathers and nests. Help Lipp get to the chicken, but watch out for the poop on the way …

Lockdown Supermarket

by Lena Zyadeh

Lockdown Supermarket.jpg

For the first time in history, the world is facing a pandemic of this scale. The shops are closing down, people start panicking and hoarding supplies for the upcoming lockdown. And the worst thing is: there is no more toilet paper! Apparently, society’s most valued item in this crisis is toilet paper, so even Tom, an average IT student, hurries to his local supermarket. Equipped with his protective mask and a sufficient amount of sanitiser, he tries to collect enough toilet paper to last the pandemic. Will he survive this historic adventure?

Drone Assault

by Alexander Azer

Drone Assault.jpg

You play a character in a futuristic city who has to defend himself from hostile drones that are attacking him. You are equipped with a bow and arrows as well as a sword and have to try to survive the assault for as long as possible. By defeating enemies, you collect currency which you can use to upgrade your stats and weapons.

Alien Breakout

by Sophia Gruber

Alien Breakout.jpg

Copyright: Sophia Gruber

An alien called Kiki has been on a trip through space for many months, with the objective of collecting samples from a faraway planet. Finally, after completing their mission, they make their way back to their home planet. To get there fast, they have to travel through a particularly hazardous area where they have to break through asteroid fields. The goal is to help Kiki return to their home planet in one piece.