Creative Code Lab 3 (WS 2023)

#Creative Computing (BA) #/Media & Digital Technologies #Student projects

The third Creative Code Lab (CCL-3) of the bachelor degree programme Creative Computing focuses on the design, development, and evaluation of mobile applications. Here you can find an overview of the Lab’s results.

At the end of the winter semester 2023/24, the students had two weeks to leverage what they had learnt throughout the semester into developing their mobile apps. In teams of 2-3 students each, they worked on their app ideas, improved their prototypes, implemented the apps for native Android, tested the app with users, and reported their results. Following this intensive work, the students built creative and functional apps, some of which are presented here.


With the Leafminder app, users may add their plants and include additional information about them, such as their favourite location, health status, and species. The application provides users with the option to receive push notifications if they enter their desired watering cycle. It also offers an educational resource about specific needs of plants like sunlight exposure or watering frequency.

Install the app on your Android device: Leafminder.apk (14.5 MB)


The app Bookify provides features to track reading habits. Users can maintain a wish list for desired books, keep a record of owned unread books, and create a list of completed reads. Each read entry in the list can include a review with quotes, rating, page count, book cover, reading duration, and genre. The app also offers reading statistics such as the total number of books read and pages turned. Users can set and monitor reading challenges by specifying the target number of books and the desired timeframe for completion. 

Install the app on your Android device: Bookify.apk (10.7 MB)

Arcane Mind

Arcane Mind is an app for drawing daily Tarot cards. When logging in, you are taken to the homepage where you can draw one of the 78 tarot cards randomly and get interpretations about it. Tarot is a self-reflection technique with a focus on personal interpretations. Users can build a habit of daily drawing and – instead of owning a whole tarot card deck – can use this app to easily have the whole deck at hand without the need to carry it around.

Install the app on your Android device: ArcaneMind.apk (14.5 MB)

Tierschutz Austria

The app was created for Tierschutz Austria. The main function of the app is to replace paper records and thus ensure a simpler and more modern workflow. Animal keepers can create a new file for an animal including a photo, general data, medical notes, and important reminders. These important procedures, such as giving medicine, injections, etc., are set precisely so that the app sends push notifications on time.

Install the app on your Android device: AnimalShelter.apk (11 MB)