VAP – Voice Assistant Patient

#Digital Healthcare (MA) #Student projects

This project is dedicated to the development of an app that records and visualises health data which can be read out using a QR code.


The success of medical therapy strongly depends on the compliance of the patients and on their understanding of the importance of the therapeutic measures. In other words, patients often have to take medication regularly or have to measure vital parameters themselves, or do both in order to achieve sufficient therapeutic effect. This involves a huge source of error caused by various factors. People tend to forget to take their medication and to measure their vital parameters or they do not track them correctly, etc. This lack and inconsistency of data costs a lot of time, which can be crucial especially in emergency situations.


VAP is an app that records certain health data – e.g., allergies, previous illnesses, medication, measuring of vital parameters – and is also able to visualise these data. The collected information can be read out by scanning the user’s personal QR code. The data are either entered via voice assistant or via web interface.

In addition, the voice assistant reminds people to stick to their healthcare routines. This should help people to comply with the medical measures that are required. Furthermore, this would lead to more complete data on the user’s health journey, which is especially beneficial for healthcare professionals who are able to read out the health data record of the users by scanning their QR code.

Because of these features, using the VAP would save time in emergency situations as well as in normal hospital settings, hence it would support healthcare professionals to do their great job faster!